
approach approach assumed assumptions assumptions concept concept consistent definition definition definition definition definition economic environmental environments establish establishing evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence evidenced factors factors functional identifying individual individual individual individuals individuals individuals interpret involved policies policies policies policies policies policies policies policies policies policies processes processing require required required required requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement requires research researchers researchers researchers section sections significant significant similarly specific specific specific specific

Conventional wisdom in education has suggested that students who are classified as learning disabled (LD) will exhibit inordinate difficulties learning a foreign language (FL). 

 Instead of IQ achievement discrepancy, the empirical evidence has supported the practice of basing the diagnosis for LD on whether or not a student exhibits substantial academic impairment, i.e., below-average achievement in academic skills (reading, written language, mathematics), regardless of IQ. For example, Dombrowski, Kamphaus, and Reynolds (2004) proposed that students classified as LD should display academic achievement deficits, i.e., standard score (SS) = 85 (15th percentile [Mean (M) = 100, SD = 15]), on standardized measures of academic achievement and also impairment in educational performance as evidenced by below-average classroom grades. The DSM-IV criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) for diagnosing academic disorders included both a discrepancy requirement and an academic impairment requirement, so that a student could exhibit a large discrepancy but also display average academic achievement with no classroom impairment. However, the new DSM-5 guidelines (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) do not mandate discrepancy as a requirement for diagnosing LDs. 

 For example, some educators have assumed that such students who are labeled as LD will inevitably have special difficulties with FL learning (e.g., DiFino and Lombardino, 2004) and exhibit salient characteristics (Arries, 1999) and functional limitations (Ofiesh, 2007) that purportedly make FL learning especially difficult.

 Such students who are labeled as LD will exhibit salient characteristics and functional limitations

 In fact, to establish the existence of a unique FL disability, students who are classified as LD would have to be shown to exhibit significant differences in, e.g., language learning skills, cognitive processing skills, FL aptitude, FL course grades, and FL proficiency outcomes, when they are compared to non-LD students who also have FL learning problems. 

 In fact, to establish the existence of a unique FL disability, students who are classified as LD would have to be shown to exhibit significant differences in~

Such a comparison of both LD and non-LD students who exhibit problems with skills such as reading, spelling, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and short-term memory would substantiate the existence of a special FL disability only if (1) the problems of students classified as LD are more severe than those of the non-LD, at-risk learners or non-LD students who are also having FL learning difficulties, and (2) their problems with these skills are somehow different than those of non-LD students.

Such a comparison of both LD and non-LD students who exhibit problems with skills such as reading, spelling, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and short-term memory would substantiate the existence of a special FL disability

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